Architectural Louvers Selector

Without sacrificing performance, we now provide architects with new tools to use on their facades which will make it so you never look at louvers the same way again.
Louvers Product Guide

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BL 4089 Blast Resistant Louvers


Blade Type: Flat Blade

Cost Index: $$$

Free Area: 50-55

Rain Defense:

BL-5609 Blast Resistant Louvers


Blade Type: Chevron

Cost Index: $$$$$

BL-5809 Blast Resistant Louvers


Blade Type: Chevron

Cost Index: $$$$

BL 6089 Blast Resistant Louvers


Blade Type: Chevron

Cost Index: $$$

Free Area: 50-55

Rain Defense:

BL-7709 Blast Resistant Louver


Blade Type: Chevron

Cost Index: $$$$


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